(2.3k reviews)

Private and Secure
Contract Owner Verification.

We are the most discrete, Industry-leading, private way for developers to reveal their identity and build trust with your Telegram or Discord community.

Boosts buys by 20%+

When investors feel confident in your project, they will swap or infuse more money into your ecosystem along with your liquidity and marketing wallets.

Step 1: Reach Out

Fill out a form on our site with the information we need to get connected. This information is stored securely.

Step 2: Private Meet

We setup a time with you to meet privately over a zoom call to verify your identity. This allows us to verify who you are without receiving any files.

Step 3: KYC Badge

Place our prestigious KYC badge on your website that links to your custom KYC verified page to validate your KYC.

Step 4: Growth

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Big Benefits. One Low Price.

With our KYC service, you don’t have to pay extra for a badge or a custom page proving your KYC. We include everything you need for your success.


Contract Integrity

Verify Transactions

Identity Verification

Recent Projects That Have Used SafeMutual To KYC

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