(1.3k reviews)
Lock Liquidity.
Boost Trust.
Securely lock your liquidity with our security lockers and boost trust with your community and potential investors.
Boosts trust and buys by 20%+
When investors feel confident in your project, they will swap or infuse more money into your ecosystem along with your liquidity and marketing wallets.
Step 1: Choose Network
Click on choose network above and find the network where you would like to lock liquidity.
Step 2: Connect Wallet
Connect the wallet that contains the liquidity you are wanting to lock so it will recognize the liquidity available.
Step 3: Lock Liquidity
Choose how much liquitidy you are wanting to secure and choose the amount of time you are wanting to keep it locked.
Step 4: Announce
Announce that you locked the liquidity with SafeMutual to ensure the community that you are here to stay and watch the community rejoice and get excited!